Tuesday, 16 February 2016


What is the importance of mind and body preparation before going to a job interview?
        Now a days we often forgot the importance of preparing mind and body, before going to a job interview, most people tend to just pass an application  to a company, then when they got a call or when they’re schedule for a job
interview, they will just go straight ahead without any ammunition, basically you looks like a soldier with a gun but a few bullet on his pocket.

          However if you are prepare your mind and body before the interview, you will be like elite soldier who carries enough bullet to nail his enemy, I know you know what I mean if you so those war movies, that weak and coward dies first, however there’s a lot of ways to prepare our mind and body day before the interview. And here are some proven practice from our experts around the world.

Quote of the day:

        “People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.” Andrew Carnegie

List of the things you need to do before the job interview

1. Get more sleep-
The day before your interview make sure to get a lot of sleep or at least 10 to 8 hours, Sleeping makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.

2 Eat the right stuff-
        The day before your interview make sure to drink lots of water, our body is basically composed of 60% water brain and heart is composed of 73% water, drinking lots of water will help your mid get energize and un-stress.

        Eat nuts, nuts tend to have a mineral that good for your brain a healthy and make you relax, a healthy and relax mind can response quickly to a question.

3 Review your CV or Resume-
        The night before your interview read your review your resume before going to bed, studies shows that if you read and study before you sleep, our brain most likely remember what we read that night.

        And one of the good way to review your cv’s or resume is to read it while sitting or lying comfortably, because as I said relax and un-stress mind will bring positive energy.

4 Practice answering basic questions-

        The day before your job interview try to practice and compose an answer to the basic job question, which you can learn by reading our previous discussion on how to answer commonquestion on a job interview.

 Practicing it will gives you an idea on how to answer properly, try to compose at least 10 answer and read it with proper pronunciation and with a right grammar.

5 Don’t drink any alcoholic liquor-

        At least 3 days before your job interview don’t drink any alcoholic beverage or drink at all, alcohol drinker tend to have a low response or unresponsive, drinking alcohol makes your brain weak, again remember that our brain is composed of 73% water not alcohol.


        And drinking alcohol before your interview is not a good idea at all, who wants to get interview while having an eerie hangover, headache and butterflied stomach?

6. Try not to calm down before your interview-

        Yes you heard me right this maybe weird but its proven, recent study from Harvard University professor AlisonBrooks,


        The night before your interview convinced yourself that you are really excited and nervous, by doing this practice your brain tend lose the nervousness and the excite-ness that it should feel on the actual interview, in result brain gets more relax and a relax brain tend to think faster.

7   Stop being negative-

        The day before the interview don’t think about what your job interview will result, always think of the thought that you can answer whatever question it, don’t also think that you can pass it so that your mind, heart and body is ready to accept whatever the interview result is.

Hi guys thanks for reading this article, if  you find this article helpful, please rate our blog and join us! and please like our page at Facebook: 

God Bless Us all and Happy Job Hunting!


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