Friday 26 February 2016


What is panel interview?
A type of screening meeting for job applicants, involving the participation of a group of two, or more people from the hiring company. Applying for employment at many top corporations and for public sector positions now involves a panel interview that is typically conducted by individuals performing different business functions within the organization. (Source:

Now a days panel interview is common among companies, this is to filter and screen applicants fast and accurate that will save their time.

What we usually feel on a panel interview?
We are all often afraid and shy, nervous at the same time whenever we are facing a group of high ranking people on a hiring company. Because a panel interviewer usually composes of Managers, CEO, OM, President, COO, and etc. what I mean is even a single interviewer or in a one on one interview, we usually feel nervous, butterfly stomach, shaking hands, and because of that feelings we usually avoid eye contact or we often bow our head down like you want to go in a corner and hide from them. But did you know? That there are simple things that you can do and right manners that you can make to lessen this emotions and to a successful interview.

Quote of the day:
                      “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
                                  –Winston Churchill

Here are the lists of manner that you should practice on a panel interview

1 Don’t go off guard –
         If you know that you are going to a panel interview, do go off guard or don’t go to a war without ammunition. Practice the research technique, whenever you are going to an interview you always have to research about the company that you are going to it is one of the most important do’s and don’ts that we discuss in our previous blog on Do’s and Don’tson a job interviewIf you are aware of the company backgrounds and profile, this will help improve your chance to answer surprise and unforeseen questions, like where did you heard about us? Or what do you know about our company?

Deal one at a time –
     Whenever you are on a panel interview, make sure to deal with the interviewer one at a time, but also don’t ignore other interviewer. Like what I said on no. 1 don’t go off guard, but if you deal on a interviewers question one at a time it will make you more focus and confident, than answering all of the question simultaneously.

Expect for follow up and clarification –
      It is common to a panel to ask for a clarification on a previous answer, and it it’s also common that will off course ask you a follow up question after another so like what I’ve said again Don’t go off guard. Show them your professionalism in aggressive way. And don’t ever bow down your head it shows weakness.

The neck technique –
     It is also called the fake eye contact; it is practice to lessen shyness, nervousness, and anxiety. This is so simple all you need to do is look at the interviewer’s neck if you can’t look at their eyes, this way interviewer’s will think that you are looking to their faces not knowing that you are not and off course by doing this you’ll be more focus and relax, like what I always said a relax mind is a key to success like we discuss in our previous blog about preparing your mind and body before going to a job interview.

Know who’s to impress –
     on a panel interview it’s common to a panel to have a different taste or like, so try to know which one is on your side in which of them hasn’t made up their mind, usually the that on your side is the one who’s asking light questions, and the one who’s mind is still not on you, so all you have to do is be polite on the that on your side and impress the one who’s still not making up his mind on you.

Be sure to thanks all the panel –
    Remember that first impression last and last impression hit’s hard, like what we discuss in our previous blog about Proper etiquette on a job interview. Anyway once you enter the panel interview room be sure to smile greet them a simple good morning, afternoon or whatever time it is and be sure to look on each one of them on the eye or in the neck if you can’t look at their eyes. And the most important be sure to say thank you after the interview and if it’s possible give each one of them a handshake before leaving the room.

 Hi guys thanks for reading this article, if you find this article helpful, please comment to our blog and join us and suggest a topic that you want to talk about!

God Bless Us all and Happy Job Hunting!

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